Career Planning

Preparing for the Workforce
It’s never too early to start preparing for your career, whether it’s thinking about a summer internship or starting to investigate full-time job opportunities for after graduation. Utilize the resources of AAD and the university to ensure you're career-ready.

School Advisors
Every school has advisors who work with students to answer questions about academic issues, careers in the architecture and urban studies field, and how your studies can help you reach your career aspirations. Find your advisor and schedule an appointment to talk through your plans with their insight and guidance.
Co-op, Internships, and Jobs
Virginia Tech's Office of Career and Professional Development welcomes and serves all students in all majors at Virginia Tech, first-year through graduate level. Career and Professional Development is available to help students with resume writing, career fair preparation, university sponsored career fairs, mentoring, and employment opportunities.
Career Fairs
- Every spring, the School of Architecture and the School of Design hosts its Career Day and Design Expo, which provides over 1,000 students studying architecture, interior design, landscape architecture and industrial design with access to representatives of design firms, consulting firms, and product manufacturers. Students can showcase their accomplishments to hiring companies, build their professional network, and interview with practicing architects and designers.