Study Abroad

We encourage our students to become global citizens.
In the College of Architecture, Arts, and Design international experiences are a part of daily life. Our faculty and students hail from more than 30 countries around the world and bring their experiences and perspectives into the classrooms. Faculty research and outreach projects also extend far beyond the borders of the United States, embodying Virginia Tech’s global Land Grant mission.
The college has a long-standing tradition of encouraging students to become global citizens. International opportunities in the college include active student exchanges, outreach, and education abroad, as well as individual trips. In fact, 62% of undergraduate students from our college travel abroad — the highest percentage at Virginia Tech!
Providing diverse learning experience is an integral part of the college’s pedagogy, including an emphasis on providing international learning opportunities around the globe through semesters abroad, wintermester and spring break trips and summer trips through travel abroad programs to six continents. Recent destinations have included Japan, China, India, Egypt, Spain, Portugal, Mexico, and countries throughout Europe.

Our Current Exchange Agreements:
- American U. in Cairo: Cairo, Egypt
- HSD: Dusseldorf, Germany
- ISEP programs: available worldwide
- TU Braunschweig: Braunschweig, Germany
- TU Delft Architecture: Delft, Netherlands
- TU Delft ID: Delft, Netherlands
- Universita` della Svizzera Italiana: Lugano, Switzerland
- University College Dublin: Dublin, Ireland
- UTS: Sydney, Australia
- California Polytechnic State University: San Luis Obispo, Calif.
- Louisiana State University: Baton Rouge, La.
Steger Center for International Scholarship
The Steger Center for International Scholarship provides an important home base for many of our students as they spend a semester abroad, studying there and exploring the surrounding countries. The center’s location in Ticino, the Italian-speaking canton of Switzerland, is also close to major northern Italian cities such as Milan. The Steger Center is the Virginia Tech’s European campus center and base for operations and support of its programs in the region.