Research Resources for Faculty

AAD Faculty Resources
AAD Pre-Award Associate
AAD’s Pre-Award Associate supports faculty in identifying funding opportunities, preparing and submitting proposals, and assisting with post-award processes.
For more information, contact your Pre-Award Associate:
Maya Simmons
University Faculty Resources
Through LINK, the Center for Advancing Industry Partnerships, the university strives to connect great companies with great opportunities. From research collaborations, to corporate giving, to technology commercialization and start-ups, LINK is a one-stop shop for industry from discovery to market. LINK offers a full continuum of services to the Virginia Tech community and industry to help partnerships grow and flourish and ensure the discoveries made at the university deliver economic and human impact.
Researchers in the College of Architecture, Arts, and Design have access to a variety of resources through the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation, as well as its division, Sponsored Programs, which manages externally-funded research. Together these two offices offer everything from training resources and compliance tools to project management software — and more.
Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation
OVPRI provides training, services, and processes to help researchers maintain the highest standards of research integrity and regulatory compliance. Whether your research is a sponsored project or not, OVPRI’s homepage provides convenient links to compliance departments and programs essential for all research, such as:
- Research Conflict of Interest Program
- Human Research Protection Program (HRPP/IRB)
- Privacy & Research Data Protection Program
The Office of Sponsored Programs
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) provides a comprehensive array of support services for faculty and staff as they pursue and manage external funding projects. The office also functions as the steward of Virginia Tech’s research portfolio and its staff is responsible for ensuring that all research proposals and projects comply with university, federal, and sponsor regulations, policies, and procedures.
The office is comprised of service teams to provide faculty and staff with expertise in the following areas: pre-award, post-award, contract, and compliance. Other areas in the office, not listed here, provide functional support for OSP.
Virginia Tech’s Research Institutes
Virginia Tech’s Research Institutes support world-class research across multiple disciplines and colleges through not only their expertise and advanced scientific and technical capabilities, but also by encouraging multidisciplinary collaborations and offering internal research funding opportunities.
In coordination with the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation and the Office of Sponsored Programs, Foundation Relations at Virginia Tech collaborates with faculty and staff across the university to facilitate strategic growth and to nurture its land-grant mission of service. Foundation Relations staff assist faculty in identifying and applying for funding opportunities offered by foundations.
For projects that involve large data sets and require specialized computational resources, researchers have access to several advanced computing environments on the Virginia Tech campus, including high-performance computing (HPC) systems.
The Virginia Tech Faculty Activity Support Team (VT-FAST) is a virtual team of faculty and staff across campus who support faculty in all aspects of proposal development. VT-FAST support ranges from single-investigator proposals to larger, more complex proposals involving teams with external partners. Support also includes both pre- and post-award activities.
Funding Opportunities
Research funding comes from a variety of sources including government agencies, industry, foundations, and nonprofits. The websites listed below are a great start to finding funding announcements: