2024 AAD Awards
Each year in April, the college celebrates the achievements of its faculty, staff and students with awards. Awardees are nominated by their peers and voted upon by the college’s Honorifics Committee and allied units in the university. They include the CAUS award recipients as well as ones who received recognition at the university level.
Congratulations to all!
AAD Certificate for Excellence in Teaching

Nate King
Assistant Professor, Creative Technologies
School of Visual Arts
Nate’s nominators had this to say:
- His impact as an educator is clear from glowing student evaluations and letters, and from faculty peers who know they can rely on Nate.
- He facilitates numerous transformative experiences for SOVA students each year, from pop-up exhibitions to screening nights, contributions to study abroad, and exhibition of BFA/MFA collaboration projects at the New Orleans Film Festival, seen by 35,000+ visitors this year. We are touched by Nate's humility, dedication, and disarming kindness.
- The result of his influence on my work has been the unabashed assuredness of my narrative… I would not be the professional, artist, or person without the influence of Nate King.
AAD Certificate for Excellence in Teaching

Annie Ronan
Assistant Professor, Art History
School of Visual Arts
Annie’s nominators had this to say:
- The learning environment of her classes strike an admirable balance between being inclusive, rigorous, and conversant with DEI principles in a manner that reinforces canonical artworks while challenging conventional narratives and approaches.
- Dr. Ronan's sterling achievements in teaching and pedagogy are amply demonstrated through her compilation of annual SPOT scores over the past four years, as well as her continual engagement with curriculum initiatives at VT.
- Her classes in European and American art of the modern and contemporary periods integrate cutting- edge scholarship, routinely based on her own research, with experiential learning approaches that perennially draw robust enrollments from students consisting of majors and non-majors alike.
AAD Excellence in Teaching Award

Derek Shapiro
Assistant Professor, Music
School of Performing Arts
Derek’s nominators had this to say:
- Dr. Shapiro frames conducting in terms of principles of movement, where students don't learn choreographed patterns or cues, but instead explore how to make music with a group using gesture to evoke musical responses.
- He instills high expectations throughout his rehearsals and students eagerly respond. The wind ensemble performs repertoire that is forward-looking, diverse, and deeply musical.
- His pedagogical approach blends high levels of artistry with a clear understanding of the everyday challenges students and musicians face. Faculty observations have been uniformly positive and student evaluations consistently exceed college and department averages.
AAD Excellence in Outreach + Engagement Award

Elizabeth Lantz
Senior Instructor, Music
School of Performing Arts
Elizabeth’s nominators had this to say:
- Betsy is passionate about creating the best opportunities for the students she personally teaches and the children of the New River Valley.
- Professor Lantz endeavors to bring the campus to the community and, in turn, to help the community feel connected to what is going on in and around the campus. Diversity in programming, learning, discovery, and engagement are central to the series. The artists Professor Lantz chooses represent a wide array of backgrounds, encompassing diversity of age, gender, color, disability, race, and sexual orientation.
- The music visits and field trips arranged by Betsy are often the only live classical music experience some of our students will ever experience.
AAD Excellence in Research + Creative Scholarship Award

Eiman Elgewely
Assistant Professor, Interior Design
School of Design
Eiman's nominators had this to say:
- She has integrated AI research into her teaching, specifically introducing AI to our design studio and co-organizing an AI workshop. She is currently studying AI best practices to assess AI's impact on design education.
- She is a committee member of the Big Ideas Workshop at the Center of Human-Computer Interaction, where she engages in fostering innovative research initiatives.
- She has presented five peer-reviewed conference papers at prestigious international conferences, spanning locations from Vancouver, Canada, to Naples, Italy, and Vienna, Austria.
AAD Excellence in Research + Creative Scholarship Award

John Irrera
Assistant Professor, Music
School of Performing Arts
John’s nominators had this to say:
- As a teacher, John’s impressive listing of master classes and competition adjudications speaks to his growing reputation as a consummate pedagogue. John made a striking, immediate, positive impact on our program from the moment he got here.
- His approach to pedagogy is to present material in small pieces so each student can fully absorb the material before continuing. This method has proved to be very effective in his teaching studio and John has been a very successful recruiter and clearly transformed the reputation of our upper string program.
- He is one of the most active performers in the School of Performing Arts and has enhanced our music program through his reputation.
AAD Excellence in Creative Achievement Award

Charles Nichols
Assistant Profesor, Music
School of Performing Arts
Charles' nominators had this to say:
- Dr. Nichols has established himself as a leader in composition, performance, and computer music systems.
- He is a scholar and artist whose work combines the craft and technique of classical music with the intensity and style of popular genres.
- Nichols has crafted an international reputation as a composer and creator of music that includes structures improvisation, string quartets, music for electro-acoustic performance, and even telematic performance.
- He is a creative, collaborative, and innovative colleague that contributes greatly to the arts on our campus and to the broader electronic music and composition community.
AAD Excellence in Creative Achievement Award

Rachel Lin Weaver
Associate Professor, Creative Technologies
School of Visual Arts
Rachel’s nominators had this to say:
- I was immediately impressed with the profound impact of Rachel’s creative work and research and have had several opportunities since our first meeting to experience her commitment to a multi-layered practice of research-based art and media.
- Rachel’s dedication to democratizing access to technology and creativity is exemplary and inspiring. She is committed to facilitating accessible community efforts for free, public-facing workshops in art, technology, and experimental media.
- She brings a holistic approach to her research and life alike, and reflects her commitment to community wellbeing, belief in the transformative power of creativity, and the vision and drive to realize outstanding impacts.
AAD Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award

Jessica Hernandez
Visiting Assistant Professor of Practice, Architecture
School of Architecture
Jessica's nominators had this to say:
- Jessica has been very pro-active and successful in raising the awareness of gender inequality in the profession and supporting young women on their way into the profession by organizing and advising the new Student Club, Women in Architecture.
- The club is promoting young women to organize and build a supportive network, while providing a space for conversation about the profession and how to become a professional architect.
- The Women in Architecture and IAWA Club have begun to network and find ways to collaborate. They are in communication and are supporting each other’s initiatives.
AAD Ut Prosim Award

Kathryn Clarke Albright
Professor, Architecture
School of Architecture
Kathryn's nominators had this to say:
- Kathryn has served in a challenging role through many changes of leadership, staying positive and working towards new and ever-changing solutions. She is always willing to hear a new perspective and works to solve problems with energy.
- She cares about the struggles of students and works with them and the university to find solutions. Kathryn is fair and level-headed as well as assertive and strong. This work is not glamorous or outward facing; when done well, it is true service leadership.
- Despite bridging some tumultuous years of intense change that culminated in the creation of the new college of AAD, Kathryn’s reliable administrative leadership kept the college on an even keel, continuing to be successful and effective for faculty, students, and staff alike.
AAD Career Achievement Award

Paul Emmons
Patrick and Nancy Lathrop Professor, Architecture
School of Architecture
Paul’s nominators had this to say:
- Dr. Paul Emmons has over two decades of commitment to research, teaching, and service. He has built an international reputation in the history and theory of architecture.
- Emmons’ scholarship, teaching, and service not only imagine but also build a future alongside his peers and students.
- A committee member described Emmons’ leadership as “perfect for this workgroup in collecting each school's needs, opinions and histories without judgement, but with genuine empathy and sensitivity.”
- In 2021, Dr. Emmons was awarded The Patrick and Nancy Lathrop Professorship, established by the Lathrops to recognize an architecture professor who demonstrates excellence in the field.
AAD Lifetime Contribution Award

Donna Dunay
G. Truman Ward Endowed Professor, Architecture
School of Architecture
Donna’s nominators had this to say:
- Over a 48-year period Prof. Dunay has been directly involved with developing the School of Architecture and College, in its many forms, into a nationally recognized program and destination for talent since the earliest days and her substantial contributions have continued apace, even through her retirement earlier this year.
- Through these efforts, she has demonstrated commitment and leadership, advancing the school and profession toward a more equitable and just acknowledgment of the true scope of women's involvement in the history of architecture, in fact correcting that record through her leadership of the International Archive of Women in Architecture.
- She has challenged generations of students and educators to be better, to ask better questions, and to articulate their ideas in careful formulations.
Elizabeth Roberson Staff Excellence Award

Victoria Boatwright
Digital Communications Manager, Advancement
College of Architecture, Arts, and Design
Victoria’s nominators had this to say:
- Victoria created a new presence with daily content and increased followers and engagement with the VT, AAD, and alumni communities.
- Victoria has proven herself to be a collaborative leader for and shepherd of our digital presence. In addition to the website, she manages all college-level social media and works with school partners to maintain brand continuity and provide support for our school-level social media presence
- She makes everyone feel heard, seen, and valued members of one AAD team. She achieved a cohesive VT brand and brand awareness for the college.
- She approaches her work in a conscientious, service-minded, forthright, and collaborative manner. She is seen as a supportive resource when faculty or staff need her assistance.
AAD Outstanding Staff Award

Dee Hopkins
Academic Advisor
School of Performing Arts
Dee's nominators had this to say:
- Dee is a central presence that guides students and parents in a comfortable and approachable manner. Dee’s enthusiasm is infectious, and it is tangible and attractive with our students.
- Dee is a tremendous asset to our program. There are few staff members that have such a remarkable influence on the quality of students’ experiences, fosters connection among staff and faculty, and supports so many of the initiatives that are critical to our program’s success.
- Dee helps advocate for students who are struggling in classes by encouraging them to visit with faculty, and even in some cases accompany them to the faculty office to assuage any concerns they had about the meeting. Dee goes above and beyond every day and is deserving of further recognition.
AAD Outstanding Administrative & Professional Faculty Award

Susan Rosebrough
Academic Advisor
School of Visual Arts
Susan's nominators had this to say:
- Susan has made significant contributions to solving curricular issues within the School of Visual Arts. She was the first to notice an issue with not enough professional electives being offered to meet the demand of students and how this was affecting our retention rates by not allowing students to graduate on time.
- She has raised the profile of advising not just for the College of Architecture, Arts, and Design, but for Virginia Tech as a whole. Susan’s advisees in SOVA report some of the highest advising satisfaction in all of Virginia Tech in our annual student survey.
- Susan’s passion for advising is contagious, and in our routine academic advising meetings Susan’s ideas and perspectives for enhancing the student experience are frequently adopted by other advisors across campus.
University Awards
The college’s Honorifics Committee, in collaboration with the university’s Academy of Teaching Excellence, Center for Outreach and International Affairs, Alumni Association, Student Affairs and the Graduate School celebrate these awardees, who received their respective certificates in separate ceremonies. Congratulations to all!
Alumni Distinguished Professor
Patty Raun
Professor, Theatre Arts
School of Performing Arts
Patty’s nominators had this to say:
- Professor Raun has exemplified academic leadership and a continued investment in service and teaching while upholding the highest standards in creative scholarship.
- Since 2017, Raun and others in the Center for Communicating Science at Virginia Tech have been helping graduate students and researchers to build skills and connections with diverse audiences and to disseminate their research through public speaking, social media, and writing.
- Workshops, classes, and events in the Center for Communicating Science have served over 20,000 participants regionally and nationally, as well as strengthened the abilities of over 2,000 faculty and graduate students from all ten colleges.
College Award for Teaching Excellence
In collaboration with Academy of Teaching Excellence
Hilary Bryon
School of Architecture
Hilary’s nominators had this to say:
- Hilary empowers students by actively seeking to understand, tease out, and elevate their strengths, interests, and abilities.
- Her willingness to give enormous amounts of time over and above the normal studio hours to having meaningful and productive conversations over the work is exemplary.
- Hilary is relentless in her pursuit of uncovering student potential, and her range and depth of architectural knowledge guides and builds an enthusiastic and passionate learning environment.
College Award for Teaching Excellence
In collaboration with Academy of Teaching Excellence
Jennifer Hand
Foundations of Art and Design
School of Visual Arts
Jennifer’s nominators had this to say:
- In both her leadership and teaching roles, Jennifer fosters a culture of inclusivity, and an atmosphere where each student (as well as each faculty) feels a sense of belonging in SOVA.
- Her dynamic leadership style involves simultaneously perceiving complex systems from a distance, from multiple angles, and without bias or self-interest.
- Jennifer recognizes the innate value and strengths in every individual and teaches students to also cultivate that awareness in themselves.
College Award for Outreach Excellence
In collaboration with Outreach & International Affairs
Jason Crafton
Associate Professor, Music
School of Performing Arts
Jason’s nominators had this to say:
- He has positively shaped the music department in countless ways and established himself as a scholar and leader in trumpet and jazz pedagogy throughout the commonwealth, region, and nation.
- He approaches every student “with an attitude that anything is possible.”
- His commitment to student success, how his research influences his pedagogy, and his powerful influence on the music curriculum for both majors and pathways students shows him to be a professor making a substantial impact on how music is learned and taught on this campus.
College Outreach Excellence Award
Honored through Commission on Outreach and International Affairs
Polly Middeleton
Instructor, Music
School of Performing Arts
Polly's nominators had this to say:
- Polly has engaged area music educators as well as community members through her outreach efforts throughout the Commonwealth. Her work puts into action our “Ut Prosim” motto and shows that the work of a college marching band can go beyond the football field.
- Hokies for the Hungry is an annual food drive led by Polly where in the past five years the Marching Virginians have raised more than 40,000 food items and more than $64,000 dollars to support sera families experiencing food insecurity. Today, this unique food drive provides food for the holidays to over 1,400 families in Montgomery County.
Outstanding Recent Alumni Award
In collaboration with the Virginia Tech Alumni Association
Delaney Leach
Interior Design
School of Design
Delaney’s nominators had this to say:
- Delaney’s leadership in her interactions with colleagues and clients around the project, studio, and office is a sight to see. She is a young leader who has shown great judgment, focus, and commitment. We always count on her for a positive outcome-focused attitude and direction
- She is creative, practical, and flexible. Even down to running over to one of our other restaurants to see if she can make use of 20 yards of extra fabric from another project! She is also very collaborative, ex delivering great outcomes by working hand in hand with our outside furniture team.
- I also want to highlight the respect she gets from her team at Gensler. Usually, the junior people on a design team sit quietly in meetings, taking notes and learning by listening. That's not the case here-- Delaney often takes the lead in discussions with 8-10 people. It's clear her team respects her knowledge and contributions to our project.
Outstanding Senior
Malasia Cherry
Creative Technologies
School of Visual Arts
Malasia’s nominators had this to say:
- As a young woman of color who is motivated and passionate and determined to become a successful professional within the realm of 3D animation and gaming, she has the potential to make a significant impact within her chosen field.
- Perhaps most impressively, Malasia has recently been interviewed as a finalist for a technical internship with Industrial Light and Magic in San Francisco during the summer of 2024.
- Her artistry may be evident to anyone who views the piece yet allow me to highlight her labor: using Autodesk Maya, Cherry crafted every object in the animation, down to the serviceman’s uniform encased in glass on the apartment wall, and animated the narrative with precision
Outstanding Master's Student
In collaboration with the Graduate School
Diksha Pilania
School of Architecture
Diksha’s nominators had this to say:
- In her graduate project Upaya, Diksha captures exactly what interior design is about: leveraging design as the vehicle to improve the lives of others.
- Her clarity of presentation style, her level of professional yet compassionate engagement, and her creative approach to documenting her design process from start to finish exceeded expectations.
- Her work has already gained recognition and she has been featured in three notable venues this past fall: A story in the Virginia Tech Weekly News, a featured story on the International Interior Design Association (IIDA) professional website and, most recently, an invitation to present at the International Spaces Summit in Washington, DC.
Outstanding Doctoral Student
In collaboration with the Graduate School
Christine Kelley
Architecture + Design Research
Washington-Alexandria Architecture Center
Christine’s nominators had this to say:
- The international excellence of Christine’s research is clear by her article “The Chiasm: The Inverse Parallel of Le Corbusier” being published in French and English through blind-review by the Foundation of Le Corbusier (Paris), in their journal: LC. Revue de Recherches Sur Le Corbusier (Vol. 08, 154-168). They are the leading entity on Le Corbusier in the world.
- Christine has been involved in teaching every semester and in fall 2023 she was the Instructor of Record for the especially demanding Integrated Building Design Studio for fourth year architecture undergraduates that requires bringing technical requirements and regulations into a cohesive whole design with firmness, commodity and delight.
- Her Solar Decathlon studio taught in spring 2023 received a US Department of Energy first place group award.
Outstanding Mentor
In collaboration with the Graduate School
Susan Piedmont-Palladino
Professor, Architecture
School of Architecture
Susan’s nominators had this to say:
- Susan excels in mentoring graduate students ever since the beginning teaching at VT in 1991; chairing over 230 graduate thesis committees and serving on an additional 255 committees across architecture, landscape architecture and urban design.
- In a historically male-dominated field, she is an important role model for female students. She connects students with internships and professional employment, helping them cross the bridge to rewarding professional and academic careers.
- A former student wrote that Susan’s guidance and support during their time at VT and beyond have been instrumental in their academic and professional journey. Not only did she play a crucial role in their acceptance into Virginia Tech, but her mentorship has been a constant throughout their career.
Years of Service Recognition
Anne Irrera | School of Performing Arts | 10 Years of Service |
Eric Lyon | School of Performing Arts | 10 Years of Service |
Richard Masters | School of Performing Arts | 10 Years of Service |
Polly Middleton | School of Performing Arts | 10 Years of Service |
Amanda Nelson | School of Performing Arts | 10 Years of Service |
Charles Nichols | School of Performing Arts | 10 Years of Service |
Ryan Pieper | School of Architecture | 10 Years of Service |
James Bassett | School of Architecture | 15 Years of Service |
Hilary Bryon | School of Architecture | 15 Years of Service |
Marlene Koeing | School of Architecture | 15 Years of Service |
Rick Craig | Architecture Support | 20 Years of Service |
Alan Weinstein | School of Performing Arts | 20 Years of Service |
Paul Emmons | Dean - Architecture | 25 Years of Service |
Ann-Marie Knoblauch | School of Visual Arts | 25 Years of Service |
Joseph Wheeler | School of Architecture | 25 Years of Service |
Brad Whitney | School of Design | 25 Years of Service |
Terry Clements | School of Design | 30 Years of Service |
Wendy Vaughn | School of Architecture | 30 Years of Service |
Gregory Justice | School of Performing Arts | 40 Years of Service |
Billie Lepczyk | School of Performing Arts | 40 Years of Service |