CHARGE: Charge by Dean Liu and formation of a committee.
Steering committe co-chairs: Ariana Wyatt and Lauren Pollard
Members of the steering committee: John Ambrosone, Takiyah Nur Amin, Paola Zellner Bassett, Victoria Boatwright, Terry Clements, Jason Crafton, Ron Daniel, Meaghan Dee, Lauren DiSalvo, Meredith Drum, Zach Duer, Bill Galloway, Dee Hopkins, Shreya Pramodh Manda, Tony Mastracci, Katy Miles, Justin Perkinson, Susan Piedmont-Palladino, Michelle Raines, Brad Whitney, and Leigh Ziegler.
December 2023
EXTERNAL ANALYSIS: The steering committee identified peer institutions for review and formulated a method for internal analysis.
Strategic Planning
January - April 2024
INTERNAL ANALYSIS: The committee met with all constituency groups in the college to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and aspirations.
UNIVERSITY ALIGNMENT: Virginia Tech’s strategic priorities were reviewed in order to identify how the college could work with the university for broader success.
Community Engagement
May 2024
INCLUSION: The committee shared the qualitative data received through the constituency group meetings.
June-October 2024
STRATEGIC PLAN DRAFTING: The committee collaborated on identifying four strategic pillars, drafting the strategic plan, and forming actionable goals and metrics.
STRATEGIC PLAN REVIEW: The draft underwent formal review and iterative editing by the committee through feedback from faculty and staff.
January 2025
The strategic plan is published and shared with the community. The plan is a living document that will grow with future challenges and opportunities.